THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETED 11 years ago, I myself won this Grand Prix de la Création de la ville de Paris in the Fashion category! This prize was a turning point in my career: What followed was the launch of my brand, the fact that I was supported by the Ateliers de Paris incubator, that I then won the ANDAM prize, And that my brand parades in the official Paris Fashion Week calendar, Then that my brand is distributed internationally! Anyway, the start of all this was this grand prize…. Back to our jury: It was very stimulating to share these discussions, with 14 inspiring personalities! We had fascinating debates on the future of the discipline, the values to defend, generational developments…. Our jury was made up of 14 members: 3 journalists: Lily Templeton, Sophie Abriat, and Peggy Frey 3 creatives: Alphonse Maîtrepierre, Karine Arabian and Franck Blais Leila Neri from the French Fashion Institute Priscilla Jokhoo and Mathias Déon from the Fédération du Ready to wear Marie Dupin from the Nelly Rodi trend agency Sylvie Pourrat from the Première Classe show Heidi Mueller and Virginie Trento from ADC With this jury, we wanted to promote 3 axes, 3 values: 1 – CREATIVITY Because we are the big ones prize of “Creation”, Because the creative act, today, is precious and complex, in a contemporary world disrupted by multiple crises, conflicts, social difficulties… it is a real challenge, for a creative , to find meaning and creative freedom! We therefore looked for projects with very strong, singular, daring brand identities in order to summon the liberating power of creation! that which transcends us and which allows us to reinvent the world, to move forward, to think about the future. Creating is resisting! 2 – ENTREPRENEURIAL COURAGE We wanted to promote the clear entrepreneurial vision, a 360-degree vision, as much on creation as on the economic model and the way of communicating. Because a brand is a real business project! And resilience, Because when you fall, you have to get up and jump even higher, hundreds of times. In short, business plans that hold up… and a lot of creative agility! 3- INCARNATION Because all these brand projects are carried and embodied by individuals. This job is so difficult, complex and multiple. We therefore wanted to congratulate creative people with strong shoulders, strong and atypical personalities, who know how to remain grounded while having sensitivity, people aware of our societal changes, responsible, committed individuals, whether towards sustainable development, local roots, craftsmanship or the question of gender. Let us support strong creative visions, business projects and sensitive and determined individuals to promote French fashion creation I will now announce the name of the winners EMERGENT TALENT PRIZE: VICTOR WEINSANTO GRAND PRIZE: FLORENT BIARD – COLTESSE ACCESSORIES PRIZE : BERTRAND MAHE – ARISTIDE
Presentation of the Grand Prix for the Creation of the city of Paris